
M&A Integration Processes and Issues

By June 6, 2024 No Comments

In M&A It is essential to ensure that you don’t devalue the value of the deal. It is therefore www.reising-finanz.de/choosing-the-right-personal-property-insurance/ essential to make time to plan and create your process. From my experience, the most common problems are around people – how they react to changes, their resistance to it and how they react when something doesn’t go as was planned.

We help our clients set up a system that allows them to identify potential issues early and react quickly. This can be accomplished by holding weekly IMO meeting and working streams to review progress and escalate issues or risks to the SteerCo.

After the process of addressing issues has been established, it’s crucial to concentrate on implementing. This means that the team knows what it’s required to achieve and how it will be measured, and by when. It’s also about clearly defining accountability (i.e. ownership of the final results) and the decision-making authority for the entire integrated business.

It is vital to ensure that the CEO and senior management are able to spend at 90% of their time on core business matters and avoid being distracted by integration activities. One way to accomplish this is to select an effective leader to lead the Decision Management Office (IMO) that can make decisions and oversee the work streams. This could be a person from the acquired organization, or it can be a rising star within the newly formed business that has the backing of their boss to fulfill this commitment.


Author admin

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